Sunday, July 26, 2009

If you didn't care what happened to me and I didn't care for you

So Wiggles and I are dating. I'm really excited about it because he's so nice to me and seems to genuinely have my best interests at heart. I just wish he'd trust himself a little more...he claims to make terrible decisions (which to be totally honest, I don't doubt) so in fear of messing something up, refuses to make decisions. Its better than being over controlling, which I was a little worried about (and still am in the back of my mind) simply because he was a Marine, and for four years had to reprogram his brain so that he was in charge. But as of right now, it's fine. He's cool with me going to hang out with my friends, despite the fact that the majority of them are boys.

I wish he'd let me call him James, because it's my favorite name for a boy. In my mind, that's what I call him. He says he doesn't like James because it doesn't feel like him name since he's had a few different ones over the years through the various orphanages/adoptive families he's been in. So least it's a legit reason.

Tomorrow morning I'm going to Idlewild to ride Mr. Roger's trolly with my mom since we ride it together every year. Then Wiggles and Luca are coming up and I'm gonna ride some rides with them. My goal for the day is to take a lot of pictures. 

I hope I can sleep over with Ange, Mouse, and Theresa tomorrow night. If not I'll hang out with James. :)

I'm so excited about my lap top from Brian. Its got a few things wrong with it, but I don't care. I love it. Although now I'm just enabled to stay up till 3 playing with it...

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