It wasn't something I did because of pressure or a feeling of obligation. It wasn't something I did out of boredom. It wasn't because I was stupid or unmotivated. It wasn't because of self destruction. I
liked it. I liked how I felt. I liked how you felt. I like how things looked; like the tail of smoke the jet left as it shot across the perfect sky. I liked how I thought big thoughts. I liked how it brought people together; the friends that I have now are some of the funniest, caring, and dependable people that I know. But most of all I loved the way things sounded. Ordinary noises- birds, grass, my hand running through my hair- were amplified and made beautiful and extraordinary through you. And of course music. It was because of music that I started getting tangled up in you, but I guess that could be said about a lot of things. And now that you're gone, its the music that I'll miss the most. Because at the end of the day, I still have my friends. Jets will still shoot across the sky and leave trails of smoke that fade into nothing. I can still ask why. But I'll never understand music like I did when I was with you. I remember the first time I came home and listened to my Abbey Road vinyl and
cried because it was so beautiful and I couldn't take it. Viva La Vida, Dark Side of the Moon, Led Zeppelin IV, Hail to the Thief, and Hot Fuss will always be special to me because of the times that we listened to them together.
To you, it may seem like I'm just giving up a hobby. But it's so much more to me than that. I'm giving up the way I experience music.
This really is a testament for how much I like you. I better get life points for this or something.
This is really lovely :(