My mom let me skip school today so I could pick up the car with her and get a general idea of how to drive it. I love it so much. I can't wait till I'm comfortable driving it. I can't wait to take it off-roading.
In my lack of ability to drive it, I cleaned my jeep for hours today. Then I crawled in the back seat and layed down and read for hours. The back seat, I am pleased to report, is extremely comfortable (heeeeeeey hahaha)
I want to go to the drive in so bad. I hope that on saturday after the SATs (Which I haven't studied for...) I can get together with Cameron so he can help me drive a stick. Maybe I can convince him to take me...hmmm....
I can't go to ASP. I can't miss that many days of work. I'm really upset. Next year...hopefully.
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