Monday, April 6, 2009

Short of breath...walking proudly in our winter coats....

So my homework that I was supposed to do for today still isn't done. But i'm okay with it, because with the time that I was supposed to be writing my draft (as well as the time spent skipping school to get the draft done/avoid the teacher for whose class it is for) I instead spent practicing my guitar. Actually, I found this video of this guy in Hair just sitting in his dressing room playinghis guitar and singing. So I taught myself the song. And I'm really proud of myself because 1) I haven't learned anything new in a while that was actually challenging 2) I really like the song 3) It's all bar (or is it barre?) chords, in both formations, and 4) I didn't give up on it. It doesn't sound that great yet, but I plan on perfecting it. Unfortuantely, I think that the song that he's playing in the video is something that he wrote himself and didn't record so I can't hear the whole thing or listen to a recording of it or know exactly what the lyrics are since the video quality isn't all that hot. SO I'm kind of on my own on this one, which is fine, because I need to force myself to get better otherwise I'm never going to. I mean, I'm never going to be good, but I'd like to at least be competent.

Hair is back on Broadway. I'm so excited. Like, I feel like such a musical theater dork, but it's my favorite show and it means the world to me since it impacted me so greatly when I did it a few years ago. If I don't get to see it, I am going to be totally devistated. And I don't think I'm gonna get to go...because tickets are really expensive and since my mom lost her job we can't afford wicked expensive tickets. And like, I would be satisified being in the last row, but I read on the show's site that if you're on the floor you can go up and dance on stage if you so chose to do so, which I woul so choose to do. Without a doubt. That would be the coolest thing ever.

I wanna be on Braodway someday...and among the many roles that I dream of playing, Shelia in Hair is one of them.

Today I realized that the reason that I love Rufus Wainwright so mch is because when I had my jaw surgery nobody came to visit me when I was in the hospital for 4 days. And nobody came to visit me when I was stuck at home for 2 weeks. So all I could do was listen to Rufus Wainwright because he wasn't too depressing, but he was calm and mellow and just what I needed considering how highly medicated I was. It's actually very sad. It really upsets me when I think about it that not one person came to visit me in what was by far one of the worst situations of my life. Sometimes I wish I was stuck in the hospital again just to see who would come visit me.


  1. barre ;) just sounds classier...
    i would visit you. the problem with me is time management.

    my word verification is amends.

  2. Im so glad to hear that your still playing and challenging your self. it gets hard when theres no one to play with.. by the way. i herd of a service called penny talk.. 57cents to connect and 2cents per minute. you could talk to your buddy in the UK for real cheap. thought of you when i saw it.
