Soo I don't know you anymore. You're not the person that I met in class years ago that shared special moments with me. I miss the old you. And I hate the fact that you're going down the same downward spiral of self destruction that I did. I hope someone saves you like someone did for me before it's way too late.
Today was a beautiful day. I love Ange and Katie. We're soul mates. And we're really good for each other.
I'm so tan :) I love sun shine. And I love that my friends are pale. It make me feel really really tan...till I see Beth Henery, who could strip naked and stand in the dark and be hidden... hopefully someday I'll get there.
Im making a really big decision. I'm not exaggerating when I say it will drastically change the course of the rest of my life. I'm going with my gut on this one, and I hope I'm choosing the right thing. Only time will tell. I think it's gonna make me grow up too fast though. I think it's worth it... My mom pointed out that the key word there is think. But really, all life is is a series of decisions. I think everything is pointing in this direction. I live without regrets. I'm probably gonna take a lot of shit for this. But my mom, Ange, Katie, Kayla, and Blaine are the only opinions that matter to me, and at the end of the day they'll still be my family, so I'll pull through.