You held me down. You forced me. I didn't want to and it didn't matter. Nobody should lose it like that. Just because I've hardly told anyone or let it ruin my life doesn't mean I still don't think about it all the time. All the scars left from the abuse I suffered because of you are still healing. Sometimes, when I'm trying to fall asleep and Jesse isn't next to me I'll think of you and end up laying awake for hours. Sometimes, I'll have nightmares that leave me in a cool sweat. Once I woke up crying. You're a waste of life, and you disgust me. Telling people you have terminal cancer so you could win me back is repulsive. Telling me you were re-enlisting so you could go die and it be my responsibility is uncalled for. Manipulating me to stay with you with threats and fear is sickening. For your sake, I hope I never see you again. And you better hope you never run into Jesse either. Because he knows who you are and everything you've ever done to me.... every insult, every lie, every hit... And if he finds you, your life is over. He loves me in a way that a sick fuck like you could never understand. He's held me while I cried and he wants to show you know what it means to hurt, like you showed me. I was innocent before I met you. You showed me a side of human beings that I had never experienced and I'll never forget, not for as long as I live.
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