Monday, August 24, 2009

Green Eyes, Yeah the Spotlight Shines Upon You

The past few days have been kinda crazy. I left Idlewild today. I hurt my back and I can't keep working and dancing so I decided to leave. I had to go to a doctor and stuff today. So I did that and then I hung out with Ande and Seth. My back doesn't hurt too bad but that's just cause I took the meds they gave me. 

I watched a crazy awesome movie. The Cell. Holy shit. It freaked me out. It was so goooood. 

Sometimes when I listen to music I can see a scene in my mind of what my mind's version of the music video would look. It's almost like lucid dreaming, I suppose. Anyway, I was thinking about how that doesn't happen to everyone. What do other people see when they listen to music? Like when people lay down in a calm environment and let the music just kind of take over, what happens?

I like making lists of things I want.
I like laying around and listening to music.
I like having a lot of stuff in my room on the walls.
I like walking around in the rain when it's warm out. 
I like sneaking around my mom. 
I like  being with my friends 
I like waking up early and getting a bunch of stuff done in the morning.
I like reading everything I can get my hands on.
I like having an unnecessary amount of pictures on my facebook.
I like buying clothes for really cheap at salvo. 
I like being subtle.

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