Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fading Joy

Mother Moon?
It's me, Joy.
Can you hear me?


I know you're up there. I can see you. But you're so far away.
Why are you so far away?

I just want to talk to you for a few minutes. Like we used to. Do you remember how we used to talk? It was such fun!

......What was it that we used to talk about? I've forgotten. Beautiful things, I know that, but I can't.....

......can't quite.....

I don't even know how I got here. Isn't that strange? I know I came from someplace warm. Warm and dark. And water. There was water.
I remember floating in the night sky...
...or deep in the ocean...
And voices! Big soft angel voices. They told me things. Secret things. And they sang to me.
Beautiful songs about.....

I can't remember what the songs were about anymore.
I try... but they're gone.

Won't you tell me Mother Moon? Won't you whisper in my ear one more time?


Why won't you answer me?!

What have I done wrong?