Sunday, March 21, 2010

All I can do is just pour some tea for two

This feels different. But it's ok. I can get used to it. It's good.

You guys suck. That really hurt. I feel like you guys don't even like me and keep me around because you like her so I sort of come with the territory.

Last night I had a dream that Mrs. Penzera was driving me and theresa to some college in a rental car. She kept putting her feet on the seat and getting it dirty and I kept trying to brush it off. Then we got there and we had to share a bed in a dorm. My feet hung off the edge. All these people kept coming in, but ande was the only one I recognized. I pretended to be asleep so I could watch all the people. Then when we woke up my hair was all messy and they offered us two different kinds of gum- orange bubblicious and this fancy peach gum that was shaped like peaches. They told us we had to use up the orange first, but theresa grabbed the peach one anyway and screamed because it was so good. Then she kept licking the box. I laughed and told her to get a hold of herself. Then I woke up.

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