Our friendship means more to me than I could ever tell you. I consider you to be one of my very best friends, and almost more like an older brother. You've always been there for me, especially when I needed you the most. I think I've had more fun with you than with any other one person. We're both such ass holes and it just works so well together because we compliment each other beautifully. The shit that we do and the things that we talk about have made me laugh for hours on end, and I'd not have it any other way. I've enjoyed this past year immensely, even when we were bored out of our minds just trying to find something to do. I think college is gonna suck a little because I'm never gonna find another Blaine Steeves, and I don't really want to. Thank you for deciding that you didn't hate me and becoming one of the two solid, consistent, truthful, and caring male figure that I've ever had in my entire life. Love you, buddy.
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