Saturday, April 3, 2010

Honey you are a rock upon which I stand

I loved today. It was wonderful. Jesse came over around 11 to help me clean my house. We got a little bit of cleaning done, which is more than what I expected us to do. We kept getting distracted and we spent a good amount of time laying around and talking.
MOUSEGIRL AND ANGE: I have a new hilarious story for you. Holy God. It's...yeah. It takes the cake. Legit.
Today was also great because I got to eat all of my favorite foods: Perogi pizza, chocolate milk, a smiley face cookie, pork and sauerkraut, and mashed potatoes.
Jesse also washed my car and my mom's car. We had an epic water battle with freezing hose water (Which nobody wants) which I won when I stuck the hose down the back of his pants. hahahaha I show no mercy. And after dinner we watched Forrest Gump.
The only problem with today was when Jesse explained to me the way the marines worked. He'll leave for boot camp in June for 3 months that I'll be allowed to send him one letter a week and visa versa. Then after 10 days leave he'll go to marine training for 6 months at Paris Island. I don't think he'll get leave except for holidays maybe. I'm not sure. Then he'll be in some other training for 2 years in California I think and then he'll be deployed to whatever war zone where he wants to basically be a grunt and do reconnaissance. That'll be 9 months in war, 6 months home for God only knows how long. I'm so worried for him.
I hate how parents complain that we don't tell them things and then when we do they get so upset.

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