I love Bri and Gavin. I love that we can run around their house and do whatever and not have to worry about parents. However, I don't love how sensitive my stomach is and that about 85% of the time I end up like that guy... only with a significantly cleaner toilet. At least I had Jesse to hold back my hair and rub my back. And luckily I wasn't sick for long and I felt better afterwards. However he did get REALLY pissed at me and after almost leaving Gavin's and walking home, made my promise to cut the shit and stop everything because I'm just hurting myself.

So in the morning after sitting and talking to Jesse for an hour or so and eating half a roll of ritz crackers and drinking plenty of water I felt a lot better. We all went outside and sat on the curb and bull shitted with each other while the boys smoked, Jesse and Gavin paraded around in their underwear (Shawley clearly felt left out), and Penzera and Shawley wandered in and out, looking for phones and beer and cigarettes. We hung out there for a few hours, during which Gavin accidently ran over Jesse's foot with his car, and we started watching Dawn of the Dead, before Jesse came back to my house and watched Big Fish while we slept on and off. Then we emptied the dishwasher and laid around some more till I had to take him home.
I'm gonna miss him a lot this summer. It's gonna be really hard not getting to see him or talk to him, except through letters. But I can do it because it's worth it. We fight and bicker and do things that make each other mad. But then we kiss and make up and we're fine. Gavin says we act like we're married. We do, kind of, which is strange since we haven't been dating all that long. But we fit together. What I'm not, he is and visa versa. We're polar opposites and it's partially why we work well together. We're Noah and Allie. Roll your eyes if you want. You're just bitter.
Apparently the Marines have a ball every year with all the men in uniform and all their women-ladies in gowns. I can't wait to go. I'll feel just like Scarlet. I can't believe I'm excited to go to a function of a branch of the United States military. Me of all people...
All afternoon it's been raining off and on with thunder and lightening. The sky is the prettiest color right now over the ridge out my window. And the breeze is cool and it smells sweet, like summer rain.
"and all their women-ladies" hahah, made me giggle. And, mama, that strom was beautiful, wasn't it? We were up on Beam rock at the highest point of Linn Run when it started. It was terrifying but soooo gorgeous.