Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Down beside that red firelight

Last night, Andie, Luca, Wiggles, and I all went up to the graveyard. We kind of just laid around up on the hill on a blanket and talked and looked at the stars. Andie and Luca left around 11 to go back to Andie's apartment. So James and I stayed for another hour. It was really nice. He told me he's liked me for a while, which is why he's been coming to our shows. And he told me he wanted a relationship. So I'm pretty happy.

Then we went to Eat and Park and this bat shit crazy waitress gave us a whole plate full of applesauce and a tiny little side plate of mashed potatoes. She was a little confused, I think.

Apparently today I'm to be hanging out with Seth and then going shopping in Pittsburgh with Brendan...although I don't know if he still wants to go after the big fight at work yesterday. Brian's been spreading all these rumors about Andie, and everyone got all worked up, and Julia yelled at me too and called me a pathological there was a point that none of us were talking to one another...except me and Andie, who "are still happily in love" as she put it. haha

You wanna know something sad? I used to love the name Julia. Now it reminds me of her and I hate it.

1 comment:

  1. i never did like the name julia :p
    maybe cuz of the julia's i know...
