Monday, February 9, 2009

...Promise Not to Stop When I Say When

Rehearsal was total shit. I'm actually going to scream.

I'm tired of other cast members bossing me around. I wouldn't do it to you, so don't fucking do it to me. I actually plan on doing whatever bullshit choreography how I'm gonna do it. Not how you would. So thanks for the input, but I'm good.

And I'm sick of being made fun of. I get it that it's just a joke. I get it that it's not a big deal to you. I get it that my feelings don't count for shit. These are things that I know. But it doesn't matter. I know I can't sing the song. I know I look and sound like a cow with laryngitis. Thanks for re-enforcing that in my mind.

And just for the record, talking about how stunning beautiful Michelle is in front of me doesn't help much. I just wish I counted as a person. And I wish I could hold someone's interest for more than two weeks, which is in fact, my record. God, what do I have to do? My greatest fear is that I'm good enough to fuck but not good enough to love. Am I even that? Well, doesn't look like it.

I cannot deal with this shit. So much for being calm.


  1. you don't believe it when people tell you how amazing you are anyway, it's hard to respond to someone who can't take a compliment or a joke. that being said, you sound beautiful on your song. and anyone who won't love you isn't worth wanting love from in the first place.

  2. and everlong is one of the most beautiful songs to grace the earth with its presence.
