Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We will surely drown

I just want to sleep. But I can't because of this stupid paper I'm supposed to be writing about how if I had to, I'd avoid the draft (what the hell).

I need to practice juditzu. I have all this pent up energy and frustration and nothing to take it out on. Plus, A.J. seems to think that a physical fight is the way to go, and I want to be able to not die. And I'd like to humiliate him and win...especially if it were in front of people. That would make me feel better. Since his forte seems to be making me feel like a piece of garbage.

I hate needing to talk to someone and not having the guts to do it for fear of being rejected. Maybe not needing, wanting. Nothing is the same anymore...I hate it. I absolutely hate it. Everything changed gradually and now nothing is the same. I miss hearing familiar voices and being comfortable.


  1. why would you avoid the draft? wait. girls arent even drafted are they? you girl. physical fights ARE the way to go ;D practice!
    you're lovely :D

  2. I KNOW! they are the creepiest beings. and it has nothing to do with my tendency to sneak into the room as a child and watch It with my parents...

    haha and i dont know how its intended but something about being "interesting" makes me smile a lot. i'd rather be interesting than...
    idk..somethin else

  3. yes yes! exactly! i dont like numbers >:o
