Thursday, February 12, 2009

You might find you get what you need

When my parents got their divorce, my mom had to leave 90% of her albums in Florida. Which has always been kind of a big deal to me since I know my mom had some really good ones.

Well, yesterday, I got two giant packages in the mail from Tommie. (btw, I know that's the girl's spelling of dad's retarded and he spells it like that anyway) So after rehearsal I came home and opened them up....and it was the albums.

There's literally like, 150ish albums. The White Album, Hard Days Night, Let It Be, Rubber Soul. There's some ZZ Top, Pure Prairie League, Dark Side by Floyd is in there, which I was surprised to see. Ummm...The Kinks, Cat Stevens, CSNY, Yes, Cheap Trick, Eric Clapton, George Harrison, I think there's a Led Zeppelin in there, but it's not in the right case. There's some Rolling stones, including the original Some Girls which was pulled from shelves after a week because everyone sued them. There's also the original Street Survivor with the flames on the cover that was pulled a few days after it was released because Ronnie Van Zant died in a plane crash. There's a bunch of really great albums...I'm so excited about it.

Everyone should come to my house and burn incense with me and listen to my albums.