Look around your room. If you thought you were going to have to leave RIGHT NOW and you could only take what was most important to you, and only what you could carry, what would you take? Having to decide is a humbling experience and its one everyone should have to go through because it helps you realize your priorities.
I was almost kicked out of my house the day after my birthday, and here's what I packed:
-underwear and socks
-t-shirts and thermal shirts
-jeans and a pair of sweats
-my laptop, ipod, charger, and the ipod chord
-phone and phone charger
-journal, sketch book, papers for school, and my Gone With the Wind book
-makeup and tampons
-bottle of water
-a picture of my Baba and I
-Wallet and checkbook
That being said, I was not kicked out and all of this packing nonsense turned out to be for nothing. HOWEVER, in case of an emergency, now I know exactly what I'll need.
Apricots are weird. I don't like them.
Yeah so anyway, speaking of birthdays, I'm eighteen now. It's sorta weird because I'm for reals not a kid anymore. I mean, I'm not a grownup by a long shot, but to now be considered an adult is bitter-sweet. Bitter because my childhood is over and I now have to be responsible. Sweet because I HAD THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER! Storm of the century? Hells yeah. "stay in your house! we are in a state of emergency!" Yeah bull. While everyone was flipping out over the end of the world, Blaine, Joe, Brant and I were driving around Latrobe with our windows down, blasting "Boom Boom Boom" and "Wannabe" and dancing our merry hearts out. It was such a good time. Then we went sledding over at the country club on this giant hill....we went sledding again today after we gave up on our snowball fight at keener with blaine, pope, brant, joe, kate kovalchek (sp) me, and luke yandrick. As far as I know, same crew's going tomorrow. I'm so 'cited.
I hadn't given Blue October a chance before. I'll admit, I heard "Dirt Room" and thought they were all a bunch of lunatics. But now that I've started to actually listen to them, I like them. But I still don't like "Dirt Room" for the record. However, "Breakfast After Ten" is so bad ass, it redeems everything.