Friday, February 12, 2010

Let's get wrecked on pop tarts and sex and see the Taj Mahal

We're slowly turning into a Great Value family, like so many of my friends before me. Actually, basically everything in our house is either Great Value or Aldie's off-brand stuff. It's fine..I'm not concerned. I'm just making an observation. The Great Value fruit and nut trail mix is like....huge and really really good. Its been my main food source for like, the past week. IT'S SO TASTEY. Except the cranberries. And apricots....which I already established are strange.

I think it's so funny that because I strategically took a vacation day on Friday, the break for this snow storm was literally almost as long as Christmas break. This is the best senior year ever. Like...I'm just gonna skip the make up days anyway, so it's really not an issue to me.

However, I'm running out of things to do. I spent the day watching the rest of season 1 of venture brothers....I have to go over to Blaine's and get season 2. He's up at Thiel right now visiting Mel. So this weekend is going to be a bit of a recovery weekend...Last weekend was pretty crazy. This week was semi-crazy. I spent a good amount of it being kind of nocturnal. Tonight I'm going to see Anything Goes at St. Vincent with my mom, tomorrow I have rehearsal 9-1 and then mah date with Chris, and Sunday I think Pope and I are having dinner? I dunno. He hasn't mentioned it lately. I'm not concerned. If we don't do anything I'll make dinner for my mom, and I'll cook something fancy from Mastering the Art of French Cooking.

I wish I had set aside a day just to lay around and read my book. Gone With The Wind is taking foreverrr and I have so many books I want to read right now...

I thought I killed all my fishies, but it's ok...I fed them in time. No worries.

I still want a snake. Like, real bad. I haven't moved on...

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