Sunday, February 28, 2010

I know I may be on a downer I'm still ready to dream

So I really think the world is ending. It seems like every day there's a major disaster somewhere. Earthquakes, Tsunamis, (I totally spelled that right on the first try. I'm so impressed with myself) plus all this snow... This is not ok. I have way too much to accomplish before I die. I've only got a handful of things crossed off on my list of things to do before I croak. I won't even have graduated college yet. That's not even fair. Nor will I be old enough to legally drink. I won't be married or have a chance to come back to my high school reunion and be all famous and stuff and laugh at the hoes. Not cool.

New Found Glory was AWESOME. Oh my god. So good. So much fun. I have so many bruises. And someone crowd surfing got dropped on my head and I almost passed out. My drunk concert buddy Nate and Blaine had to pick my up off the floor and stand me up. Now I keep getting these splitting head aches....I have one now. Whatevs. So worth it. Apparently the hot guy from Rock Star is friends with the members of NFG and all these other bands and was there helping them sound tech and stuff and partied with them till like, 6 am after the show. He was like 'you should have grabbed me. We coulda hung out.' Ugh. That would have been so awesome. He was telling me about how the guys from Dropkick Murphy's were snowed in at some bar in Monroeville and they were texting the NFG guys all pissed about it. That's hilarious. I need to figure out Hot Guy from Rock Star's name... haha

It's a shame cool people tend to be so fucked up in the head. Really.


  1. i wouldnt worry about the world ending. its an el nino year, which is just a climate pattern in the pacific that makes storms worse. remember last time el nino rolled around and everyone thought the world was ending? yep. we're still here.
    lol and those headaches sound mayyybe like a concussion...i'd get it checked out haha

  2. happens every 5 or so years, give or take. and yes, you can get concussions over and over and that sounds like one. i dont know everything about concussions but i know theyre not good lol so i'd get it checked.
