Skinny dipping was a lot of fun. It was cold and the water was dirty and I got it in my mouth and eyes, but Jesse was there and his feet touched the bottom so he held me. I felt like a red neck, swimming naked with my boyfriend in a river, but it had a lovely sort of innocence to it. There's a rope swing and it was fun jumping in from up in the tree and landing in the water. There was a light, warm rain that made the river smell electric, and when I went underwater, it sounded like being inside a pop can, with the current going by and the rain fizzing on the surface. We didn't stay long, because I was cold and we were getting eaten alive by bugs, and then we had to run back to avoid more bug bites, and we didn't have towels so we were soaking wet in our jeans, but it was worth it. It's a beautiful memory.
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