Saturday, June 26, 2010

Here I lie on my own in a separate sky.

Tomorrow will be a full week since I've seen Jesse. I still miss him, but i can sleep now, and I can eat and breathe. I couldn't the first two or three days. But I realized that this is going to be the first of many times we're separated, and probably the shortest. It will be significantly easier once his letters start coming. I've send him at least one every day, sometimes two or three. I can't wait to hear about basic, but at the same time I'm nervous because I know what hell he must be going through. Although I also know that he won't be telling me the worst of it, because he isn't allowed.

Due to a lack of human contact, I've been reading a lot. I read The Bridges of Madison County two days ago, hung out with my mom yesterday, and today I'm reading Slapstick. If I didn't have to go to work today I'd probably finish it. I'm expecting A Million Little Pieces and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close to arrive today or Monday, so I'll read them next. I have a feeling my main company this summer is going to be my mom, my pets, my books, and Ange. I don't really feel like partying or bending over backwards to hang out with anyone or making new friends, so I'm just gonna read. Which is fine. I used to do that all the time before I had real friends.

I'm sewing a teddy bear for Jesse. I don't remember if I've said that yet or not..I don't think. He's brown and orange flannel and I'm gonna sew him an orange hunting jacket and hat. He'll be my teddy bear for a long time because he can't take that with him to specialized training after boot. But I think Jesse will like him anyway because I made it especially for him. Sewing is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I practically had an anxiety attack that I was gonna cut out the pattern wrong. Tomorrow I learn how to use a sewing machine...

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