Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A working class hero is something to be.

To all of you dicks out there who are rude to your waitresses and waiters and don't tip: FUCK YOU. Seriously. We make $2.45 an hour, and depend on your tips. Don't be stingy. It's not cool. And 99% of the time, the thing you're being rude to your waitress about isn't her fault. And although it's convenient for you to forget it, we're people too. You don't know what kind of a day we could be having. Like yesterday, when a ton of people got sat in my section at the same time, and they all ordered really weird and strangely specific things, and got bitchy. Plus on top of this, I was upset because I'd just found out more disturbing news about Aubrey AND yesterday was the first shift I was working that I didn't get to see Jesse after. So everyone was rude and annoying and specific and demanding and I was stressed and sad and then someone said 'Well, your boyfriend's probably waiting for you after your shift is over' and I cracked and almost started crying in the dining room. Luckily I got to go on break and I cried it out in my car and afterwards it was ok. Then I got some crack pot dad with his weird family being rude and yelling at me. Listen. If it's 11 o'clock at night and you have tired, hungry, cranky kids, take them to McDonalds. Not a restaurant. But that's beside the point.

"Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook you meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not...fuck with us."

Always be nice to custodians and secretaries. Always be kind to the people who cook your food and clean up your messes. Because even though we're just the dumb, working, masses and you're so much better than us, we remember you. And we aren't the people you want on your bad side.

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