Sunday, September 27, 2009

I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter

I had another dream last night.
I was swinging on a swing set with three other people- Ande, Kayla, and Logan. There were other people on swing sets down the line that I'm friends with too. And there were these men that were wearing all black and they were standing behind us with guns shooting at us. But we just kept on swinging. However, at one point, everything slowed down like it does in movies, and Ande looked and me and smiled kinda sadly, and said, 'I think we're about to die with our backs turned.' 'I don't want to die being shot in the back.' 'I don't either...' So he and I turned around just in time for all the men to shoot us in unison in the heads, Ande and I in the forehead. We were all hit and we all fell off the swings. For a minute we just laid on the ground in the wood chips but then we all started to slowly get up. And that's when we realized that it would take us three days or so to die. So we started to walk away when Logan walks directly up to Kayla, grabs her, and kisses her. Then it cuts to us standing up on a grassy hill. Eric Palanko, who must have been on another swing, comes over to me and hugs me. and we just stand there hugging for a minute thinking about all the stuff that we're not going to be able to do. Then it cuts to my basement. My grandma's old white ford escort is sitting down in the area that my bike and washer and dryer are. Julie Hendrixon and Becca Rudy are playing a game to pass the time where one of them is listing the number in the book and the other one has to guess the rule. Ande's leaning against the wall pulling paint off the car. There's a TV in the corner with my grandma talking on it, but nobody is really watching it. At this point it's getting harder for us to stay awake because we're slowly dying. I walk over to Ande and take his hand and pull him down the hall. Once we get over to the closet, I put my hands on his face, stand up on my tiptoes, and kissed him. (What's crazy about this dream is the details of everything that I remember...I remember the way that we kissed. I remember what clothes people were wearing. I remember feeling the hangers touch the back of my neck because the closet was open. It was incredibly real to me and incredibly vivid.) And as we kissed, I started to lose my balance and fall and he caught me. Cut to the commons area at my high school. There was a breakfast there and a ton of tables were set up. It smelled like pancakes. Aaron Grey was playing the piano in the corner. Kayla goes running past me and tells Ande that they need to go talk. I get a text from Ande saying 'meet me in the senior parking lot later.' I go say goodbye to Aaron and walk outside. Cut to the top of the senior lot. Melissa Rachael, Kaleb, and Kevin were standing there talking about when I thought we would all finally die. Ande walks up to me and asks if I'm ready to go. We start walking towards his car. Cut to a hill. Ande and I are standing on top of a hill. There are daisies everywhere. We're just staring at each other. Then we turn  our heads and look out over the horizon and up at the sky.
Then I woke up.


  1. man you've been posting nonstop. thats such a sad dream, and it should probably be a short film.

  2. yeah its so crazy. and also i love the spinal cord perception.
