Thursday, May 14, 2009

I can't remember when it was good

I hate my job.
I miss my friends.
I want to hang out with him.
I want to hang out with him too.
I can't wait to do it again.
I really can't wait to do that again.
I don't mind the consequences.
I do feel really guilty about it though.
I think you're mad at me. I hope not.
I don't know what to do.
I think I'm gonna tell him tonight.
I feel pretty alone.
I feel pretty untalented.
I feel pretty stupid.

1 comment:

  1. here's something funny:
    i go onto your blog and my computer says ERROR: INTERNET EXPLORER CANNOT OPEN INTERNET SITE
    and it just made me laugh seeing your name as the internet site, i never noticed it before and then it made me laugh cuz im not even using internet explorer! in any case i have much to complain about too but you were right and the two you didn't know were also metallica and i can't really bring them yet on account of me not owning them yet but i will soon and then we can party party and when are we gonna do that might i ask???
