Monday, January 26, 2009

Headed for City Lights

So the dance in Grease for Born to Hand Jive is like, the coolest thing since sliced bread. It's all 50s-ish with shimmying and slides and lifts. I loooooove it. And I'm really glad I'm not fasting anymore because it's hard-core dancing and I was exhausted even though I had eaten a little today.

I was invited to a toga party this weekend. I'm freaking excited, man. A few of us watched Animal House last weekend, and I said that we should have a toga party. And it's actually happening. Apparently with everyone else in the world, when plans get made they actually happen (shock awe!) It's gonna be so awesome. I hope they're inviting a bunch of people. Because if it's just like, four of us, it'll just be lame and slightly sad and pathetic.

today, Connor pulled me aside and was like "Why aren't you in chamber choir? You have an amazing voice" and I was like "I didn't audition because I didn't think I'd make it." and he said "Are you retarded or insane?" and then went on to threaten me with death to audition for next year. It was a nice compliment.

I lied and told my mom I was sick and skipped school this morning because I had a paper to hand in that I didn't do. Now the paper still isn't done, I wanna watch a movie, and I really am sick now. This is quite a pickle.

I like to pretend that there is some obscure person out there that reads my blogs that always tries to figure out what song the lyrics are from that is the title of my blog and what it may say about what's on my mind.

1 comment:

  1. last paragraph = me, if no one else 0:)

    in other news: playing sick and then actually becoming sick always happens to me. so does watching a movie instead of homework :(

    are you going to retreat? :)
