Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'll speak my point of view but it's not sane.

So my mom is trying to convince me to audition for American Idol.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I think it's funny. And I think she's actually lost her mind.

I've decided that I officially hate texting. I hate it. It limits human interaction. I understand texting in situation when you can't actually speak on the phone, but when you could either talk or text, I hate it that so many people choose to text. Like...as a general rule, I love to hear my friend's voices. Plus, hearing a person's voice helps you pick up on non verbal communication, which actually accounts for 93% of communication (thank you Linda Kubus.)

I hate not knowing what to think about a person. It's actually exhausting.

I taught myself how to make a toga from my sheets today. I consider the day to be a success.

I've also grown to hate facebook. I never have any notifications anymore because nobody's sending my flair or writing on my wall or tagging my in notes or commenting on photos. It's sad to me. This is why I write a blog every 17 minutes.

I got in an argument today because I said Brittney Spears doesn't deserve to be on the cover of Rolling Stone once, let alone three or four times like she has been. This argument turned into an argument about if Robert Plant should be on the cover since he refuses to tour (although this was with a different person, since Brice probably doesn't know who Robert Plant is)

I find it really amusing then when you're trying to illegally download something, before it like starts downloading, the estimated time of download actually says infinity.

Tomorrow, if I don't have school, I plan on watching The Wizard of Oz to Dark Side of the Moon. I hear it's very very cool.

I just finished reading Perks of Being a Wallflower. It's very good with a twist at the end. It sort of reminded me of The Catcher in the Rye.

I'm sorry this was all over the place. I'm thinking a lot right now.


  1. i read Catcher after i read Wallflower and they definately reminded me of each other too.


  2. I finished my friend's copy of Wallflower a week ago. The minute I was done, I started re-reading it :)
