Friday, April 3, 2009

The regrets are useless in my mind

I am absolutely exhausted. I'm so not excited to go to the Rockdown tonight. I wish I could leave early, but I can't, because Gordon decided to be cool and turned me in to be put on a list of people that need to be watched so that they don't leave. I'm so epically pissed. I don't wanna stay in the school for an extra 12 hours. it's so laaaaame. And Katie's not even gonna be there. I can hang out with Alec and seth and christian and deuce and ange and them, but I have a feeling zach and alec are going to need to be seperated the whole evening. I'm wearing sweatpants and I'm taking my iPod and I'm sleeping. I can't handle drama, especially at like, 3 am when I'm already tired. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. Why would he do that :( I would never do that to someone...the rockdown sucks :(
