Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ripped open by metal explosions

I'm getting really annoyed with technology. I hate how people would prefer to text rather than talk on the phone, and how people prefer to talk on the phone over talking face to face. I'm sorry, but I absolutely hate it. I really miss the value of talking face to face with people. Like, I have plans to go talk with someone...but my mom's like freaking out because she thinks I should just talk on the phone. No. Because then you miss subtle expressions and body language. It makes conversation so much colder and more difficult. It's easier to lie over the phone and it's harder to tell if someone is telling the truth. And if it wasn't for freaking facebook my stupid research paper would be done.

Speaking of my paper. Never again will I be like "Oh, I'm going to write to argue the responsibility of christians for the homeless of america in a 5-8 page 300 point paper because it's interesting and will be FUN." because IT'S NOT FUN. I picked a topic that actually means something to me and that I'm taking personally and it's driving me CRAZY.

I've been on a salad kick lately. (not to jump subjects or anything...) I used to hate salad, but now, it's like, all I want. I'm pretty excited to make dinner because i'm making myself a tossed caesar salad with grilled chicken. With summer coming up I really should just like, skip dinner and tough it out, but....I really want a salad...

My headphones broke. My mother won't let me go buy new ones, so I have these craptastic giant old ones that, in their defence, have awesome sound quality, but are likewise falling apart and take up too much room.

The song on the guitar (which is actually a lot earier than I origionally thought) is coming along nicely. now I'm just working on singing and playing it, which normally isn't hard at all for me, but the lyrics have this weird syncopation to them. It sounds cool but it's difficult.

1 comment:

  1. i prefer texting to talking on the phone. but i GREATLY prefer talking face to face to both of those. i hate texting and phones in general >:o


