Monday, April 13, 2009

Let's take these rumors and let's put them to bed

So, last year, I almost went to boarding school with my friend Molly. It's this school out in Hershey PA and I would have gone there for the last three years of high school, and I would have only been home to visit four times a year. I decided not to go, and I'm really glad, because I've met some amazing people and made great friends. Although I'm sure there would have been pleanty of nice people to meet up at boarding school....I kind of don't care. haha

Anyway, Molly is home on one of her four home visits. She's staying over tonight and coming to school with me tomorrow. I'm pretty excited about it. I always forget how much I miss her until I see her. Then its like we just saw each other yesterday. I love it.

I was talking with her tonight after we went and got Dairy Queen. And we were like "oh my god listen what happened....." and "oh wait I forgot to tell you..." "Holy crap, you didn't know?!?" and so on. So much has happened since the last time we could actually sit and talk. It was kind of nuts. We've both really grown up...a lot. It pretty much blows my mind in hind sight of our conversation so we could get caught up. Like...I can't even believe how different we both are.

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